January 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Darling!

I can't sleep last night.

As how I can't sleep 4 years ago, restless thinking of my newborn baby, who had been taken to NICU. I only had a chance to take a glance at her before they took her away, emergency-ly [is that even a word?]

I've been telling this story over and over again. That's how important the event was in my life. It's my darling Khayra's birthday... today she is 4, strong and healthy, witty and cheeky. Alhamdulillah! God's power has made her that way, eventhough 4 years ago she was struggling for dear life, with no blanket and clothing covering her under that flouresccent UV lamp, so tiny, so weak...

I've bought her a small cake for her to celebrate with her friends in Tadika Alif Ceria, but I've also bought her 25 pcs of cupcakes for her to celebrate with us family tonight. I dont mind spending for her. Abah kept saying I'm spoiling her. How can't I? She's my precious!

Selamat Hari Lahir Khayra Qaszryna Azamzairi.... Omie loves you so much!

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