This is my first experience of such situation... And I find it rather... enlightening!
Mungkin kebetulan... Last nite was Malam Jumaat. Masih di Awal Ramadhan, 3 Ramadhan 1431H to be exact. I was doing my ironing, as usual when everyone else is already sound asleep. Approximately at 2.20am, I smell a familiar sweet scent. Toleh kanan kiri, tengok kot kot ada botol perfume or bedak tumpah nearby, tak ada. Tapi baunya makin kuat... Naturally, seriau sekejap, eventhough sempat terfikir, "Eh ni kan Ramadhan... so... it couldn't be..." But still, I switched of the plug and hurried into the room, to seek companion from my sleeping husband n Kyra,
Since it's already very late and the previous morning I didnt sleep after sahur, I decided to catch a wink. Terpusing pusing terpusing pusing, I kept on thinking about the scent. Even terlintas di fikiran was... Arwah Nenda. Tatau kenapa, memanglah selalu teringatkan dia, tapi the scent makes me think of her too. Lagipun esok, genap setahun Hijriah Arwah Nenda meninggalkan kami di dunia ni. I tried to remember when & where did I smell this scent before, but till this post is typed, I can't.
I went to d door and peaked outside, nothing but serenity. No other sound except for the nightly sound. No one talking, no motorbikes, cars, just... very serene. So I decided to conduct some Solat-solat sunat, I cant say it's Qiyamullail in a true sense, cus I didnt sleep at all. But since Qiyamullail literally means membangunkan malam so, bolehlah jugak... Sesudah beberapa Solat Sunat yg diakhiri Witir 3 rakat... barulah dapat tidur. Lewat, tapi nyenyak dan damai. By the time Hubby kejut sahur, walaupun letih tu terasa, tapi idur terasa puas :o)
Adakah itu rezeki Ramadhan dari Allah untukku? Jika ya... Ya Allah... indahnya perasaan ini, syukurku padaMu, kerana mengurniakan perasaan yg indah ini!
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