August 18, 2010

Our Predicament as a Salesperson...

This is sumthing I blabbered In Facebook, I'd like to share it here :o))

I posted a status ~

Zaza-Eejay Zulkifle :: Myra Bling Bling cakap jangan pegi kedai barang2 salun kat seksyen 9 tu, blakang restoren fevret aku chan abdullah tu, dia kata dia ban kedai tu sebab dia kena maghah kat situ heheh~ [minah ni tengah mengecowh kat blakang aku niha :op~]
18 hours ago  · Comment · Unlike
You and Herleena Jamaluddin like this.

And I commented on it....
Zaza-Eejay Zulkifle :: According to Cik Myra kita, d chinese lady was screaming at her, marah marah. Well, kalau ikut citer Myra ni memang la berasap telinga ye tak? If I were her pun I'd sebar to everybody to avoid dat particular shop. But cuba perhatikan wat I haf to say plak...

I'd like to berkongsilah eh...
I am a salesperson too. I sometimes do speak very loudly & very very bold [org yg dah kenal lama memang calls me Petir] and some customers DO take it wrongly, maybe it is my fault for having such loud & clear voice. This loud voice has given me both advantages & disadvantages. For example masa Kem JKM KTC UTM [Achik, kak Wan, kak Mar & many more *wink*] and it gave me an advantage - I was elected d only girl head of kumpulan which later on gives me a favor to lead a Bureau in that elite college body. Being a leader wasn't always a sunny day, i had many enemies & peers, equally. Most of them hated my loduness. Back in Mozac, most of u are here, U know u hated me too, true? hehe~ If u didn't, I am not who I am now. strong & bold. Pedulik haper orang nak kata as long as my conscience is clear. If my conscience aint crystal shiny, then it's between me & God.

Back to the melayan customer story. Sometimes I do feel very d malas nak greet the walk in customers. Maaf nak cakap, terutama sekali orang Melayu kita sendiri. Why? Punyalah kita cuba nak beramah mesra breaking the ice greeting & welcoming them, diorang boleh jeling and walk straight pass us, as if we're some kind of very low lifer whom do not deserve at least a smile back. Sometimes I wonder, what happens to 'Senyuman itu suatu sedekah' or 'Orang berbudi kita berbahasa'? Are we, the SALESGIRLS, SO HINA, that U just walk pass by someone who greeted you so warmly & ikhlas?

Kami faham, our reputation as a marketeer has been spoiled by many rotten salesperson yang pushy, memaksa etc. Yes I sendiri menyampah orang macam ni. But then... Takkanlah dalam setandang pisang semuanya busuk? What we do in Emas Sutera, all our girls are trained to HELP our customers. Emas Sutera offers so many services that many boutiques MIGHT & MIGHT NOT have. Until we relay them all, kami akan rasa terkilan if we just let you go. We would like to introduce who we are in such short encounter, especially to first timers. Apalah salahnya kalau jawab "It's ok Dik, can I just look around until I find sumthing suitable" [ramai juga yg cakap macam ni, kami suka :o) walupun kadang tu org yg cakap 'Adik' tu dah serupa budak sekolah yg layak panggil aku makcik, wah terasa muda~] takpun just SMILE back, itupun dah ok. Kalau itulah gesturenya, kami pahamlah anda tidak serious mencarik barang, perhaps hanya window shopping je kan, so we'll let you go. Ni tidak, Nampak je kami datang menuju nak invite masuk, terus angkat kaki macam nampak hantu pun ada. Sebagai orang Melayu yg supposingly bagus budi pekerti, anda rasa, apakah perasaan para salesgirl saya bila anda semua buat macam tu? Kesian budak2 tu. Terus hilang confidence, hilang mood for like an hour and maybe even feel terhina atau unconfident dah. Ada tau jangan tatau, yang terus trauma & berenti d next day.

So customers, we know how some of U dislike being followed around [in my training I'd call this jadik escort, esp budak2 baru yg belum tau apa nak cakap & masih segan nak mempromote] tapi do tell them off in a nice way lah. A simple "Takpe Dik, akak tengok je dulu" will do, kami paham Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris & sumtimes Arab. I pernah nampak dengan mata kepala sendiri my girls kena herdik, kena marah, just because they're doing their jobs. Biasanya my girls will call the customers Puan or Akak, ada jugak tu yg balas "Apa Puan? Saya Datin tahu?" Allahu Akbar. Oklah takpe, the title is given to you, itu dah rezeki Datin, tapi...

Sedarlah, mungkin anda berpangkat berkasta di dunia ni, tapi di mata Allah, anda dan kami, tidak ada bezanya, kecuali amal.

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