July 27, 2010

Help! I'm addicted to shoes! Mentioned ~ Adar. haha~

Ok being slimmer, does haf a down-factor. YES IT DOES.

First off, my fav bra [aiyoh jantans, tutup mata for this para!] brand doesn't have the right size for me anymore. AVON. Yes, Avon only has up to cup B for size 34. I need a cup C at least, or cup D, better! Dulu my size was 38, so memang senang la dapat cup C or D... now??? 36C pun cannot, a bit longgar like no point pakai if longgar ok!

Another thing is... SHOES & Sandals. I can't pass the shoe section without trying anything that looks good, WITH HEELS. For almost the whole of my after-marriage life, I couldn't wear any heeled shoes or sandals. Recently, I bought 2 pairs of sandals [at once!] and... I was surprised that it doesn't hurt my legs, ankles even my knees for that matter! Being a person with a history of accidents, my ligaments aren't too good cus they once torn, as for my knees, the stitches n bruises from my bike accident still hurts [even after 10 years!] so... I dare not wear heels after being pregnant with Jazzy. Now that it doesn't hurt anymore.... I'm sooo like addicted to buying shoes. Damn it I sound like Paris Hilton! [and Siti Norhadar Taharuddin, heheh~]

And dresses. OMG dresses... even jeans! Need I say more? *sigh*

And I couldn't finish KFC Snack Plate.

And I threw away Spicy Chicken McDeluxe twice after not being able to stomach it, kept for 2 days, froze n reheated, last-last buang.


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